
Premium Minds

Feb 2014 - Now
Software Engineer - Full Stack Web-Development
Premium Minds is a software house of medium size in the centre of the Portuguese capital: Lisbon. I currently work here, in full-time regime, as software engineer.

I divide my time here between two projects. The main one and, as expected, the one that consumes me more time is more like a set of initiatives that we have with the company GlobeNet. In this project, we work mainly with the SalesForce tech stack, Scala and ScalaJS.

The other project is an creative day project (one day per month, all colaborators stop they usual work and, instead, work on something else). The idea is to build a solution that solve the company's problem with the car scheduling and reservation. We are doing this using the MEAN Stack (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS and NodeJS) and some python.

Also I've been involved in other projects within the company. The one that deserves more highlight is a solution for the enforcement of onStreet parking for our partner Empark. I also do a back office with some important statistics that are useful. All the backend of the project is in PHP, but I also have to do some frontend features and because of that my knowlege of HTML, CSS and Javascript is good. We also do some integrations with external services using RESTful Services.
Lisbon, Portugal

Sport Alenquer e Benfica

Dec 2013 - May 2014
Web-Design / Web-Development / Web-Master
At the end of 2013, I was challenged to create a site for the local club on the web. I accepted the challenge gladly and put my hands to work. Not being a designer I have been some difficulty in the design of the website, but anything that was not surpassable. Another aspect of this project that gave me immense joy was for the first time have to talk, discuss and advise the client (in that case the direction of the club).

The site still was some time online, but with the clubs's elections and also due to some lack of funds the website went offline
Alenquer, Portugal


Jun 2013 - Set 2013
Trainer - Web-Development
In our degree at IST, we don't have any internship but I felt like I need to try the business world. Because of that, I decided to do, in the summer of '13, my first internship. There I became more familiarized with PHP and with the MVC pattern. I worked with the CodeIgniter framework and I also have done some frontend developments.

Linkcities is a platform for collaborative multi-channel designed specifically for professionals in the local administration, that enables the production and sharing of knowledge between professionals and cities around the World.
Lisbon, Portugal


Instituto Superior Técnico

Set 2009 - July 2015
Master Degree - Information Systems and Computer Engineering - Major in Distributed Systems and minor in Embedded Systems
After graduated, I decided to continue with my studies and become master. I chose the Distributed Systems and Embedded Systems as areas of specialization. In my thesis I investigated how we could use wireless sensor/actuators networks to save resources. The implementation of this thesis involved working with Omnet++ simulator and the NED language.

These are some examples of courses that I have done these two past years: Cloud Computing and Virtualization, Design and Implementation of Distributed Applications, Ambient Intelligence, etc
Bachelor Degree - Information Systems and Computer Engineering
This has been my first superior course. I choose Instituto Superior Técnico because that is one of the best schools of the country when talking about engineer and if I thought that if I want to be one I have to went to the best. The course provide me a solid background in the field of Information Systems and Computer Engineering, with a well-structured curriculum, based on techniques and best practices promoted internationally.

Examples of courses that I did are Foundations of Programming, Computer Networks, Complex Analysis and Differential Equations, etc
Lisbon, Portugal

Instituto Espanhol de Línguas

Ago 2009
Spanish Language Course - Initial 1
Spanish summer course. From the website "The learner will be able to understand, orally and in writing, the essential instructions and explanations relating to the contexts of everyday life in personal relationships and work, and messages that contain general information of an objective nature, as well as use the basic registration in the oral communication (in person, by telephone) and in writing (email, letters, reports), distinguishing between formal and informal settings that contain objective information on the basic functions: to present themselves before unknown; asking for and giving information lenses that bring together the various elements of a row; argue and justify in contexts simple (apologies, appointments, projects,...); describe the activities and express likes and objective circumstances."
Lisbon, Portugal








RESTful Services







